Analyse thousands of rows of text in minutes

Find and code key themes in your data using AI, then visualise your findings with beautiful, shareable charts.

Used by 20+ teams

across research, marketing, impact measurement and more

“My go-to solution for coding open ended survey responses. Not only does it help identify themes from scratch, but it tags according to a traditional code-frame if needed.”

Matt Howley
Managing Partner @ Picnic Customer Research

“Saves me so much time. Our nonprofit collects hundreds of feedback responses each month and I've only got 2 days/week to analyse it. It's so easy.”

Sarah Fernandes
Data and Evaluation Lead @ Ochre Education

Code open-enders lightning fast

Analyse thousands of rows in minutes. Save hours manually coding. Works with big and small datasets.

Find & assign themes using AI

Derive themes without the manual effort, then have AI search for them, row by row.

Designed to be dead-easy

No more complex tools or hours spent onboarding. Get started in minutes.

Analyse, then visualise

Create beautiful charts to see your results. Cut and segment by other data points. All in the one place.

Oh and did we mention you can export your data at any time?

Yup. Take your data directly from WhyHive into your other favourite platforms.

Private & Secure

You control your data. Projects are private and data is encrypted in our database. Your data isn’t used to train AI models and doesn’t leave Australian servers.


  • No. We use GPT to help with parts of the analysis process, however, none of this data is used to train AI models.

  • Yes. Any data you upload is only viewable to you on your personal WhyHive account. Data cannot be viewed publicly, but a project and its charts can be viewed publicly if you create a shareable link for the project. The WhyHive Team may need to view your data in order to troubleshoot issues.

  • By default, your data is stored on AWS servers in Australia. AWS is the same cloud infrastructure used by companies like Canva, Netflix and Meta.

  • No. The charts you see in the WhyHive app are not created by AI and have no risk of being populated by hallucinated (fake) data. We use AI to make part of the exploratory process easier, but the results you see are pulled directly from your data and they aren’t generated by AI*.

    *Except when you’re using thematic codes, which are generated by AI. However, you have full control over when this feature is used.

  • Head to our Pricing page. Can’t see a tier that works for you? Get in touch

  • WhyHive works with CSV and Excel file types. So far, we’ve found it highly effective for analysis of data with a varied assortment of columns like survey, sales, CRM or impact measurement data.

  • Yes. You can perform text analysis on qualitative data to pull out themes (codes) and assign them, row by row, to your qualitative data. You can then analyse these new themes against your other quantitative data.

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